Development Sub-Group

The Development sub-group is looking at both Open Coaching and Herts “Squad” coaching.

  1. How well is the current open coaching working?
    a) Attendance?
    b) Coach Availability?
    c) Financial Availability?
  2. How could we change the current arrangements to improve a, b, and c?
  3. how do we ensure continuity during the outdoor season? Is there a need?
  4. If the answers to Q1 & Q2 are unacceptable, what else could we do?
  5. Why did previous arrangements for the County Squad fail?
  6. What appetite is there for resurrecting the squad?
  7. If there is an appetite, what form should it take?
  8. How do we make a squad financially viable?
  9. Is there a need for a junior “half-term” coaching week? If so, how do we avoid competing with the talent programs such as On-Target & SCAS junior training?

    What is Open Coaching? (Click here)

    What is Squad Coaching? (Click here)

    i) There was a need to identify the intended audience for open coaching.
    ii) How many juniors might be interested?
    iii) There is a need to identify the purpose of open coaching.
    iv) Should Open Coaching allow for individually based longer-term training programs to be provided, or should such people join Squad? Open Coaching has always been ad-hoc whilst the squad has been programme based.
    v) It was noted that as Open Coaching was based in St Albans, there was a predominance of attendees from St Albans clubs such as Abbey and Elswood and there was a need to encourage all clubs to get archers to attend. Some clubs were thought not to attend as they have their own internal coaching arrangements.

    Periodically the Working Group will publish their ideas for comment from other Hertford Archers.